Life frequently feels like a maze with many twists, turns, and dead ends.
Many of us feel that we try so hard to find contentment and happiness in life, but ultimately feel that we either get lost in the maze, or we come to a dead end.
Other times it can seem that we find ourselves at a fork in the road, with neither path feeling like it is exactly the right path to take. This can be frustrating, overwhelming, and at times leave us questioning what this is really all about.
When this happens, this can lead to symptoms of depression, anxiety, substance use, overspending of money, and many other ways to try to cope with our disappointments of ourselves and of life. Does this sound familiar to you?
Then we are really happy that you have discovered Pathways to Growth Psychotherapy. Asking for help from a professional is an incredibly brave step, and most people who have done it would tell you that it is very helpful.
No doubt you have been considering this for several months, and we recognize that if you are looking here that you are struggling and most likely nervous about beginning this process.
Psychotherapy can be a way to assist you in discovering your path through the maze of life. No one person has the exact same path, so psychotherapy can be a process to assist you in discovering yours.
Any one of our therapists would form a partnership with you to help work through issues of grief, depression, anxiety, life transitions, trauma, perinatal challenges, and more. We have the experience and skills to assist you with navigating this maze.